For the cases of suspected crime, most countries take the policy of non-prosecution on the basis of the principle of presumption of innocence. 对于疑罪案件,绝大多数国家都根据无罪推定和疑罪从无原则予以不诉。
It means that the accused will lose in lawsuit if he cannot prove the related elements, which obviously disobeys the presumption of innocence. 这就意味着被告人一旦证明不能,就要承担败诉风险,这显然与无罪推定原则相悖。
The same presumption of innocence goes for copyright and privacy. 版权和隐私问题同样可获得无罪的推定。
Or does it suggest that the judiciary is politicised, ready to violate the presumption of innocence and tear up the writ of habeas corpus? 又或者此事表明司法部门已被政治化,准备违背无罪推定的原则,撕毁人身权利文书吗?
In many countries, an accused person enjoys a presumption of innocence until tried and convicted. 在许多国家里,被告直到被审判和定罪之前始终被视为无罪。
Discussion on the Contradiction Between "Presumption of Innocence" and "True Answer" On the Angle of Human Right 从权利的角度看无罪推定与如实回答义务之矛盾
The presumption of innocence is central to British law. 英国法律的核心是假定无罪。
The presumption of innocence is a right or treatment enjoyed by the accused in criminal justice as well as by everybody of the society at large; 无罪推定不仅是刑事诉讼中被告人的权利,也是社会上每一个人的权利,是一种待遇;
On Establishment and Improvement of the Principle of Presumption of Innocence 试论无罪推定原则在我国的确立及完善
Presumption of innocence itself has no class nature, so it corresponds to the principle of seeking truth from facts and cracking down on criminal. 无罪推定本身不具有阶级性,与我国实事求是原则和打击犯罪的要求一致而不矛盾。
They took advantage of our society's great strength& its openness and freedom, the welcome it gives to immigrants and the presumption of innocence it extends. 他们利用我们的社会的巨大的力量&开放和自由,欢迎它给移民和无罪延伸的推定。
As a cardinal rule of the criminal procedure system, the principle of presumption of innocence requires that the prosecution bears the burden of proof. 无罪推定原则作为刑事诉讼制度中的一项基本原则,要求由控诉方承担证明责任。
In the process of establishing socialist country under the principle of the rule of law, it is urgent to develop presumption of innocence in our country. 它的设立,不仅反映出罪刑法定原则在我国刑法中明确得到确认,而且为我国开展教育犯罪的研究,提供了理论依据和探索空间。
I think boards really need to have a balance between vigilance on the one hand and the courage to support the presumption of innocence on the other. 我认为,董事会确实需要作出权衡,一方面要保持警惕,另一方面还要有勇气支持无罪假设。
And to boot, it violated the presumption of innocence because alleged pirates would be cut off without being able to defend themselves, the council said. 并且,这将违反了无罪推定的原则,因为被认定的盗版者将被自动断网而不能为自己辩护。
To or not to affirm the principle of presumption of innocence reflects different views on judicial justice. 确立无罪推定原则与否反映不同的司法公正观念。
Presumption of innocence is an international judicial criterion that every country accepts. 无罪推定原则是各国公认的一项国际司法准则。
The presumption of innocence has become a criminal procedural principle, even a constitutional principle in modern countries. 无罪推定已经成为现代国家的一项刑事诉讼法原则乃至宪法原则。
A Comparative Research of Presumption of Innocence and the Argument of Appeal to Ignorance 无罪推定与诉诸无知论证比较研究
Non-prosecution reveals the principle of "innocent until proved guilty" and of "presumption of innocence". 存疑不起诉是“疑罪从无”与“无罪推定”原则的体现;
The second chapter discusses the theoretical foundation and characteristic of the burden of proof of the assumed and analyses the relationship among the burden of proof of the assumed, principle of presumption of innocence and privilege against compulsory self-incrimination. 第二章探讨了刑事被告人承担举证责任的理论基础及特点,并分析了被告人承担举证责任与无罪推定、不受强迫自证其罪特权的关系和其与控方承担举证责任的差异;
Therefore, the study of presumption of guilt is the theoretical basis for presumption of innocence. 对有罪推定的研究有助于了解其残余形式的源流,也为理解和贯彻无罪推定原则提供了理论前提。
Definitude relative legislation to implement presumption of innocence; 明确相关立法,为无罪推定原则的实施提供法律保障;
It is an inevitable requirement of the lawsuit subject theory, the idea of procedure justice and the principle of presumption of innocence to establish the system of defence counsel presence in investigation procedure. 建立侦查程序中的辩护律师在场制度,是诉讼主体理论、程序正义理念和无罪推定原则的必然要求。
This crime is not the presumption of crime, and doesn't break the principle of presumption of innocence. 立罚并不存在有罪推定问题,更无从论及对无罪推定原则的背反。
In our country, the revision of the criminal procedure law should perfect the system on the base of the presumption of innocence principle. 我国刑事诉讼法的再修改应当在确立无罪推定原则的基础上,改革与完善有关控辩对抗的制度与程序设置。
The continuous progress in our country in the field of criminal procedure have been worked out the criminal procedure law, the rules of evidence of a series of laws, have also introduced the presumption of innocence, illegal exclusion rules of evidence relevant system. 随着我国法制的不断进步,在刑事诉讼领域已经相继出台了《刑事诉讼法》、《证据规则》等一系列法律,并逐步确立了无罪推定原则、非法证据排除规则等相关制度。
The basic meaning of the principle of presumption of innocence of the criminal litigation system is to protect the suspect, the defendant before the judgment of legal status, clear complaint onus probandi party, support help criminal suspects, defendants practice case processing. 无罪推定原则对刑事诉讼制度的基本意义在于保障了犯罪嫌疑人、被告人判决前的法律地位,明确控诉方的举证责任,支持了疑案处理中有利于犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的做法。
Then the author defines the conception of the criminal burden of proof in China as the foundation of double meaning said. Secondly, the author analyzes the principle of presumption of innocence and principle of balancing of interests in this part. 然后本文以双重含义说为基础对我国的刑事证明责任的概念进行了界定。第二章分别分析了无罪推定原则和利益衡量原则。